Sunday, September 27, 2015

Boozy Dessert - Bourbon Fudge Pie

Remember the cream that was used in the vodka sauce? Use it to make whipped cream to top off this bad boy, Bourbon Fudge Pie.

Last week was crazy busy! I don't think I got home before 9 pm each night. Either Brandon or I cooked, but they were not award winning/blog worthy meals. Jazzed up tuna fish sandwiches (canned tuna fish with diced red onion, red pepper, and carrots), sloppy joes, crockpot chicken - one night we even ordered take out :-O (We try not to eat take out more than once or twice a month, but damn that Lo Mein was bomb.).

After making the vodka sauce last week, I had a sweet tooth.  I always keep a bar of baker's chocolate in our cabinets for whenever my sweet tooth strikes! Also, I find that the baker's chocolate is more than a dollar cheaper than buying a 12 oz bag of chocolate chips. I topped the pie off with vanilla ice cream, but I highly recommend using the leftover cream from the vodka sauce to make bourbon whipped cream!

I tweaked a recipe that I found on Pinterest, Close To Home

*I only took pictures of the finished product this time. Sorry!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Boozy Dinner - Penne Alla Vodka

Last night, I decided to make a warm and comforting Italian meal: Penne Alla Vodka!

  • easy and simple to make
  • you do not have to wait around for 5 hours while it simmers ;-) 
  • 30 minute meal
  • carbs
  • heavy cream 

This was my heavy, unhealthy meal for this week. But let me say this: IT WAS SO WORTH IT! Penne alla vodka is also pretty cheap to make, as long as you have booze already in your liquor cabinet. I was able to get the pasta for $.79, canned crushed tomatoes $1.25, onion $.42, garlic $.10, and heavy cream $1.59. I used dried Italian Seasoning herbs that I already have on hand (my spice rack for a future post) and one tablespooon of extra virgin olive oil. Overall, this meal cost me $4.15, at $1.04 per person.

This recipe has been in my family for 16 years or so. My brother got it from a chef from a restaurant that has closed down. Since then, my mom tweaked it and taught me how to make it. I continue to tweak it to suit my taste buds :-P

Introduction to BitchinKitchenBK

Hi folks! I've started this blog to share how I cook and why I cook.
  • How do I manage to cook 7 nights a week? 
  • When do I find the time to cook after working a 10 hour day?
  • What groceries do I always buy? 
  • Do I meal plan? 

Throughout the course of this blog I will answer all of those questions, share recipes and grocery receipts, upload pictures of my pup, and include tag-team meals I make with my boyfriend, Brandon.

Cooking in a small kitchen in your NYC apartment can suck at times. With good time management skills, and using a handful of simple staple ingredients, you can make a quality meal to impress your friends/boo/mother-in-law.

Happy cooking!